How Bliss Works
Blissymbolics makes use of core symbols (Bliss-characters), many of which are intuitive and pictographic. They can be arranged to produce Bliss-words that can represent complex and abstract, yet easy-to-understand meanings. There are around 100 basic symbols, which can be combined endlessly to form new concepts. Nouns can be changed into verbs or adjectives with the addition of an indicator, and there are also simple past and future tenses. Bliss has simple, elegant, logically based rules, that make it ideal as a non-phonetically based language.
An individual graphic symbol (ideograph)
Represents a concept or meaning and is spelled using a sequence of one or more bliss-characters
Characters used to show the part of speech of a symbol
Now you can say:
If you are interested in learning more about Blissymbols, introductory online courses can be found here: Bliss 101, Introductory Web Training.